Towards zero touch operations in telco networks

Autonomic Observability


End2end data pipelines


Situational awareness with autonomic actions

Data ingestion

Data is ideally pushed from sources into Apache Kafka mesage bus in configured periods, from 1 to 5 minutes usually. The push approach removes neccessity to be aware of all deployed/running resources in order to collect from them, rather those components of resources which are running will simply produce their log/event/metric data. However, such practice is not engaged always (and we appreciate pull based retrieval as well) so an adapting mechanism had to be involved. Solution usually lies in usage of already existing components, such as fluentd, rsyslogd+omkafka, Logstash, Telegraf, NiFi, but also can be based on custom written adapter apps. We leverage both.

Anomaly detection

The main component of the sytem is set of statistic and deep learning models for anomaly detection from either metric data or semi-structured log/event/alarm data. Models operate on data provided via Apache Kafka message bus, while preprocessing mechanisms make sure to split and aggregate data prior to input into inference mechanism. Our DL models are either derived from state-of-the art models published in scientific papers, or completely our own approach. The result of every model is a json document describing the anomaly, providing the name of the class(es) which anomaly belongs to, etc.

Situational awareness

In order to reduce amount of event-based information to the operating stuff, but as well to enable automatic reactions to detected scenarios, we introduced the concept of observations. The observation is a situation which takes place over the time. It can be of informational level, where no action is needed, or alerting level where the either manual or automated reaction is needed, such as reboot, redirect traffic, change DNS etnries, change the configuration, etc.

Event correlation

The events and alarms arising from the observed systems, i.e. via SNMP, various events and anomalies derived from metric data, anomalies derived from log data (both as sequence recognition and as a metric-derived-from-logs anomalies) are continously clustered into groups using several techniques in parallel. Examples of clustering techniques include simple keyword-based clustering, such as group all events/anomalies coming from the same host. Advanced approach is to use topology information to know which hosts and components are connected adn to group events based on that information. The most challenging way of consolidating events and anomalies is semantical approach, where we try to group together those ones with the same meaning, i.e. “connection lost” and “link down”.

Network traffic analysis

To make things more exciting, an additional data input – network traffic packets is adding significantly more information, and significantly more complexity.


Speeding up development

Data Infrastructure

Data Science


Real-time anomaly detection on data in motion

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